Former head of the Illinois Virtual School will help power VLLA’s mission to ensure quality online education
The Virtual Learning Leadership Alliance (VLLA) recently selected Ms. Cindy Hamblin as its new director. The VLLA brings together leaders from the most innovative online learning programs in the U.S. to strengthen virtual education through leadership, advocacy, expertise and professional relationships. In her new role as director, Ms. Hamblin will provide organizational leadership and management as the Alliance explores and analyzes research and trends critical to providing high-quality online and blended learning and provides thought leadership to the field. Her responsibilities include the preparation and facilitation of VLLA Board planning and development meetings as well as its various workgroups. Ms. Hamblin will also oversee the organization’s public presence, including its website and other communication channels.
“Speaking on behalf of the Alliance, which has been in existence since 2008, we are very pleased to have Cindy as our new director. The relationships she has already formed with our members as well as her knowledge of our unique organization’s goals and direction will allow her to hit the ground running and keep us moving forward,” said Robert Currie, VLLA board president and executive director of the Montana Digital Academy.
As director of the Illinois Virtual School for nine years, Ms. Hamblin provided oversight of the quality of online courses, instructors and services to students. Under her leadership, the program launched initiatives that resulted in substantial increases in course enrollments and several new programs or services developed to meet the needs of Illinois schools and students. Ms. Hamblin holds degrees from Southern Illinois University and Western Illinois University and joins the VLLA with twenty-three years of experience in educational technology.
“I am thrilled to be part of the VLLA team,” Hamblin said. “I look forward to working with this exceptional group of online learning leaders as we work together on innovative activities and projects that enhance the field of online and blended learning.”
A prime initiative that Ms. Hamblin will oversee is the completion of the update of the National Standards for Quality Online Learning in partnership with Quality Matters. This project sets national standards for quality in online programs, courses and teaching. The updated program and teaching standards will be released nationally on March 1, 2019.